Week of 1/13 Homework


  • Math pg 259 + 260
  • Read 20 Min
  • Panos: study for Unit 2 test and Greek123


    • /ee/ wksht 
    • Read 20 Min
    • Panos: study for Unit 2 test and Greek123


    • Math pg 265 + 266
    • Read 20 Min
    • Panos: study for Unit 2 test and Greek123


        • Math pg 271 + 272
        • Read 20 Min
        • Panos: study for Unit 2 test and Greek123


        • IXL
        • Read 20 Min

        Upcoming Dates

        Jan 9 SPIRITWEAR DAY!
        Jan 10 - Midterms 
        Jan 13 - January Birthday Dress Down Day
        Jan 20 - NO SCHOOL
        Jan 21 SPIRITWEAR DAY!
        Jan 30 - Liturgy (Church uniform); Book Fair 
        Jan 31 - Book Fair; SPIRITWEAR DAY!; Early Dismissal @ 1PM 

        This week..

        Week of January 13th 

        Math: We begin chapter 5 on related fact families this week coming in with some great previous knowledge. We'll practice identifying if it's adding or subtracting, then practice making fact families by finding the addition problem from a subtraction problem and vise versa. We'll also practice that in games and continue practicing money value with coins.

        Reading: We'll be learning about how modifiers in sentences help us see images by describing and then drawing using these modifiers. We'll also practice identifying adjectives and prepositions as well as retelling the story in sequential parts. 

        Spelling: Our spelling focus will be long /e/ words using the /ee/ spelling pattern.  

        Writing: As we slide back into our writing workshops we'll be focusing on how and what topic to choose when trying to decide what story of ours to make into a published story. We'll focus on writing things with a setting we care about as well the story taking the readers on a journey through our own writing.  

        Science: We'll start a brand new science unit as we begin to look at penguins! We'll talk about what we already know and cover some basic and broad facts this week before making our own penguin fact books. 

        Looking Ahead for Next Week

         Hot Lunch: Our new lunch program provides a hot lunch everyday! If you're interested you can order via this link. The daily menu is also posted herePlease note that hot lunch will close the Thursday before the start of the following week at 5pm. If you miss this deadline you can still order lunch at an additional cost. Please email with your order to latelunchorder@gmail.com. Just in case it is best to send your students with some extra snacks in their lunchbox in the chance they don't like their hot lunch but we are glad to have this opportunity with a wide variety of delicious food!
        Church: Our next church service will be a prayer service on Wednesday, January 15th. Regular school uniform will be fine :)
        Midterms: Coming home today with your student will be midterm reports with a summary of what we have covered over the last few months as well as comments from myself as well as the special teachers. Please review this and sign it to send back by January 15th. 
        Dental Permission: Coming home today as well is a permission form for an upcoming dental opportunity. The Colgate Van is coming to offer free dental exams to our students to encourage dental hygiene. It's a safe and easy way to support our students taking care of their teeth, especially with so many new ones growing in! This event will be February 4th and it will be offered up to 7th grade. Please return this permission form by Friday, January 17th. 
        Library: With midterms comes running records so our student's reading level will be more accurate. This means they can take home books that will be perfectly at their level or a challenge for them if they choose! Please send library bags on Fridays only to allow your child to switch out their books to enjoy at home. 
        MLK Day: Looking ahead there will be no school on Monday, January 20th in observation of MLK Jr day. Please plan accordingly. 

        Contact Us!

        Mrs. Shannon - snoyes@koraes.org

        Mrs. Pam- pkostopoulos@koraes.org 

        Presvytera (Art, Greek, & Religion)- galilakos@koraes.org

        Mrs. Panos (Greek) -npanos@koraes.org 

        Mrs. Kolovos (Gym) - kkolovos@koraes.org

        Mrs. Lind- blind@koraes.org

        Greek Class


        Presvytera's class:

        • The only homework this week is to practice for the OXI Day program.
